Candy Container Collectors of America
About Our Club
To learn more about our club click on one of the links below:
Officers History Convention Candy Gram Membership Application
Club Purpose:
The organization was formed in 1980 in Harrisburg, P.A., with the purpose of promoting candy container collecting. In addition, the club works to educate and inform those who collect and encourage new collectors. There are 140 members through out the United State and Canada.
Membership is $20.00 per family per year. Members receives 4 issues (Spring Summer Fall Winter) of the club's newsletter called The Candy Gram. This newsletter is packed with information on candy containers, letters from members, and includes a section for buying and selling candy containers and the results of some eBay sales.
You may also join at a reduced rate of $10.00 if you prefer to have the Candy Gram sent to your computer. You are then responsible for printing the Candy Gram on your printer. We offer this reduced rate since we do not have to pay for a hard copy and the postage to mail it to you.
E-mail or write for a sample of the Candy Gram.
Jim Olean, Membership Chairperson
Candy Container Collectors of America
115 Mac Beth, Dr.
Lower Burrell, PA. 15068-2628
Each family also receives a Membership Directory, and information and free catalogs concerning up coming auctions. In order to join you simply click on membership above, fill out the form and sent it with your membership fee. It as easy as that! Soon you will be on your way to owning your own collection of candies. Also along with our membership you gain access to Members Pages, were you will find a membership directory, a theater page, an auction page , two club new pages as well as a market place were you can sell or buy Candies.
Annual Convention
Contact Terry Whitmeyer for any news of a convention.
Membership is $20.00 per family per year. Members receives 4 issues (Spring Summer Fall Winter) of the club's newsletter called The Candy Gram. This newsletter is packed with information on candy containers, letters from members, and includes a section for buying and selling candy containers and the results of some eBay sales.
You may also join at a reduced rate of $10.00 if you prefer to have the Candy Gram sent to your computer. You are then responsible for printing the Candy Gram on your printer. We offer this reduced rate since we do not have to pay for a hard copy and the postage to mail it to you.
E-mail or write for a sample of the Candy Gram.
Jim Olean, Membership Chairperson
Candy Container Collectors of America
115 Mac Beth, Dr.
Lower Burrell, PA. 15068-2628
Each family also receives a Membership Directory, and information and free catalogs concerning up coming auctions. In order to join you simply click on membership above, fill out the form and sent it with your membership fee. It as easy as that! Soon you will be on your way to owning your own collection of candies. Also along with our membership you gain access to Members Pages, were you will find a membership directory, a theater page, an auction page , two club new pages as well as a market place were you can sell or buy Candies.
Annual Convention
Contact Terry Whitmeyer for any news of a convention.